Another Dev Diary about the progress of To The Rescue!. If you want to hear about them as soon as they go up, join our Discord where we always post the links first.
This is probably going to be a shorter dev diary entry than the last one, which means it will be more in character with what they are going to be like moving forward. We’re hoping to use these as short, to-the-point summaries of the work we’ve been doing so far. If we’re doing them as often as we should, we’ll try to keep them pretty focused on the most recent work rather than trying to play catch-up after going so long without an update. Don’t hesitate to drop some feedback about these diaries, and if there’s anything in particular you want to see next.

For now, we have just one small (but exciting!) feature to update you all on. And that’s Superdogs! If you remember from the Kickstarter campaign, some of our higher tiers allowed for custom Superdogs to get added to the game. We’ve began the process of implementing them, so that rare (and always 5-star rated) dogs can spawn in the shelter.
To elaborate a bit more on how they will effect the game: Superdogs will be rare spawns that can occur that are similar to normal dogs that end up at the shelter through other means. Superdogs, however, as special! While most dogs that end up at the shelter are randomly generated, Superdogs will have predefined appearances and traits (some of which will be totally unique). Additionally, they will always have a maximum adoptability of 5 stars no matter what their traits are, so they will often get adopted quickly.
We really liked the idea of including fun Easter egg dogs (Easter dog eggs? uhh…) in the game that could appear randomly, and we also felt that it could be a great way to give our Kickstarter backers something special in the game, since our backers are dog lovers, too!
We’ll have more screenshots soon featuring their unique features on their dog folders, but for now, know that they are well on their way.
In line with this Superdog news, we are also gearing up to start sending out Kickstarter backer surveys within the next few weeks, so stay posted. And backers, start thinking about what sort of content that you want to add, based on your tier!
Social Media AMA
We recently also held an AMA on Instagram and Twitter, and got some really awesome questions! Be sure to check out our social media channels to check those out if you’re curious, and if you have any other questions and missed the live AMA, you can always ask them in the Q & A section of our Discord channel.
Thanks everyone!
– Olivia, Tanner, and the rest of the TTR Team