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Hey Everyone!
The past few weeks have been a bit slower than usual. We’ve been wrapping up some prior obligations in the form of external contracts and trying to get the college semester finished up early.
But, of more relevance to To The Rescue!, we’ve been talking with potential publishers who reached out because of all the wonderful support during our Kickstarter campaign. The excitement that generated was enough to at least open some doors for discussion. We don’t have anything to announce yet, but the whole concept is too exciting for us not to share. This is our first full game. We managed to double our goal on Kickstarter and generate enough support that it at least got publishers to take notice. Even if we end up self publishing, this experience thus far has been a valuable opportunity and a pretty cool one at that!
On top of publisher talks, we’ve also been working on some Kickstarter related aspects like the backer survey’s that should be going out soon and starting the process of ordering the physical rewards.