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Hey Everybody!
It’s been a quiet month but we’ve been hard at work! As we’ve mentioned before, To The Rescue is a project we’ve been working on for a while. Our first source control push was almost 3 years ago to the day! In a lot of ways, this has a been a learning project for us. We wanted to take a project as far as we possibly could and push ourselves to learn more about game design, programming, and Unity3D.
And the project just kept working, all the way up to a super successful Kickstarter! We’ve learned a lot since we started. Olivia and I both finished our undergraduate degrees in that time and we are only a few minutes from finishing our masters. Needless to say, there are a lot of improvements we can make to the game under the hood.

So, we are taking a step back and doing some major refactoring of the project. We are swapping to a two-branch system where one version of the project is an active development branch where we can experiment and break things and the other is a production branch where we make sure that everything that goes in is something we definitely want in the final version of the game. This means we can refactor and improve code as we move it over and reevaluate some of our game design decisions.
Making this swap has taken a little bit of time, but we are actively working on both branches now so some more visual updates are on the horizon. Especially because we are in the process of adding an animator to our team! More details to come. 🙂
As always, thank you for your support and interest!